Jim Walters, with Hydro Aluminum, North America, commented, “Hydro, in coming to Commerce, Texas, has been overwhelmed by the response of the local people and their dedication to ensure we, as newcomers to the community, were welcome.”
(Read more in the Hydro Case Study)
The Commerce EDC works closely with industry to assure the most appropriate site is secured for a plant location, whether it is in an existing building or a new facility in one of the two industrial parks and individual sites.
The CEDC owns four large tracts of land. The Commerce Industrial Park has three tracts remaining that are adjacent to the NETEX rail line. The FM 3218 Industrial Park has approximately 95 acres remaining in two large tracts. There is also a 38 acre rail served tract on Knight St.
In addition, the Commerce Industrial Development Association has several smaller tracts of land available for development.
Currently there are two industrial buildings available. The 97,110 sf SRS Warehouse facility is highlighted in this section, along with the 26,500 sf WDF building on State Hwy 11.